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Rules & Regulations

Section I - Standard Pool Hours

The Pool will be open to Members from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.   The Pool may be closed without advance notice to Members at any time due to cleaning or maintenance or any other reason deemed necessary by the MRA Board. The Board of Directors of the Martindale Recreation Association reserves the right to open the Pool at any time.


The lifeguard hours for 2024 will be during the following hours: COMING SOON!!



Section II - General Rules
  1. ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS USE ALL AREAS OF THE POOL FACILITY AT THEIR OWN RISK. Martindale Recreation Association members, officers or employees do not accept responsibility, either written or implied for injury or personal damage resulting from the use to the facility.  Agreement with these rules is mandatory for entrance and use of this facility.  All members will use their key card to enter the pool.

  2. During lifeguard hours, all members must have their guests sign in and pay upon arrival.

  3. The lifeguard has the authority to enforce all rules and regulations and is empowered to impose immediate penalties as deemed necessary.  Serious and/or repeated violations will be reported to the Board for additional action as deemed necessary.

  4. All users of the Pool and facilities must conduct themselves in a courteous manner at all times which will ensure the safety of others.  Absolutely no abusive language, foul language, boisterous conduct or breach of peace will be tolerated.

  5. The Association is not responsible for articles or possessions left on the premises.  Lost and found articles will be discarded at the end of the season.

  6. Each member has the responsibility of seeing that there is no littering or vandalism of Pool property.   Please report any violation of rules or regulations to the lifeguard or any Board member.  There is a zero tolerance policy for vandalism and bad conduct.

  7. All persons entering and exiting the Pool when the lifeguard is not on duty must close the entrance gate.   No one should be allowed to enter the Pool area without a key card.

  8. All exterior lights and pool lights must be illuminated during night swimming.  If lights are not on after dark, please contact a board member.

  9. Pool rules will be followed at all times, and can be enforced by any adult member after lifeguard hours.

  10. The Lifeguard will determine whether the Pool will be evacuated or closed for safety reasons.


Section III - Pool Rules

The following rules will be posted and enforced inside the fenced Pool area, including the clubhouse and picnic area:

  1. ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS SHALL USE THE FACILITY AT THEIR OWN RISK.  Martindale Recreation Association members, officers or employees do not accept responsibility, either written or implied, for injury or personal damage resulting from the use of the facility.  Agreement with these rules is mandatory for entrance and use of this facility.


  3. No climbing on the pool fence.

  4. Do not dive in the shallow end or where there are NO DIVING signs.

  5. Rough play, boisterous conduct, abusive language, swearing, or breach of the peace is not allowed.

  6. No gum, tobacco, drugs or alcohol allowed anywhere in the fenced area. Drugs and alcohol are not allowed anywhere on Pool property.

  7. Food and drink are not allowed on the pool deck. Food and drinks must be kept in the picnic area or on the grassy areas.

  8. Glass containers are not allowed.

  9. Floating devices must be approved by the lifeguard.

  10. No spitting or blowing nose in pool.

  11. Chicken fights are not allowed.

  12. Do not hang or sit on any of the ropes.

  13. Swinging on the hand rails is not allowed.

  14. Non-swimmers must be accompanied by an adult in the pool.

  15. No wrestling, grabbing each other around the neck, holding people under the water, pushing or dunking.

  16. Do not imitate a drowning person.

  17. No animals are allowed inside the fenced swimming area.

  18. No playing ball, bicycling, skating, or skateboarding on the pool deck.

  19. Only one person is allowed on the ladder at a time.

  20. The wading pool is for non-swimming, young children and their parents.  Lifeguards do not actively monitor this area but must be informed immediately of an accident.

  21. Children between the age of 10-14:  May come to the pool without an adult to swim when a lifeguard is on duty, with a parent’s permission by a signed waiver and the ability to pass a swim test.  Children under the age of  15- 17:  May come to the pool without an adult to swim when a lifeguard is on duty. A swim test may be required for children that are without supervision if the pool staff feels it is necessary in order to ensure the safety of the child.  The child may be asked to: swim the length of the pool, tread water for 30 seconds and swim under water for 10 feet.

  22. No person under the age of 18 will be allowed in the Pool when the lifeguard is not on duty unless accompanied by an adult member that is 18 years of age or older.

  23. There will be a 10 minute break period, called by the lifeguard at ten minutes before every hour.  Only those 18 years of age or older may swim during the rest period.  It is the lifeguard’s option to not allow anyone in the pool during rest period, at their sole and unchallengeable discretion.

  24. No one other than authorized personnel shall ever be permitted on the lifeguard stand.  Anyone caught on stand or jumping from the stand will be severely reprimanded and may be suspended or lose pool privileges.

  25. Any member or guest creating a disciplinary problem for the lifeguard will be reprimanded.  At the third incident, Pool privileges will be suspended.  Following a conference between the member, lifeguard, and a Board member, privileges may be reinstated.

  26. The rope may be removed for lap swimming if others are not in the pool.  Swimmer is required to put the rope back up when other members arrive or when finished lap swimming.

  1. No hanging or climbing on the end of the board.

  2. No inward inverted or butt dives.

  3. One person at a time on the diving board.

  4. One bounce allowed on the diving board.

  5. No jumping off the side of the board.

  6. Children must be able to swim one length of the pool to use the board.

Section IV - Health Regulations
  1. All persons, especially children, are requested to use the toilet facilities while at the Pool.  Do not allow children to relieve themselves in the Pool as this will cause immediate closure for a possible lengthy duration.  It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children and make them aware of the facilities available.

  2. Persons with communicable diseases, skin eruptions, open sores, or extensive bandaged wounds are not permitted to use the pool.

  3. All injuries, no matter how minor, are to be reported to the lifeguard.

  4. Food and drinks are not allowed in the Pool or on the pool deck.

Section V - Facility Rental/Pool Parties
  1. Members may rent the facility for private parties.  Instructions are listed under Pool Parties.

  2. Follow the “Pool Party Guidelines” provided with your membership packet to reserve the Pool for a function.

  3. The member hosting the party shall ensure that guests comply with the rules and regulations of the Association while on pool premises.

  4. There must be a lifeguard present for any reserved, after hours function.

Section VI - Guests
  1. All guests must be accompanied at all times by a member.  Guests must leave when the member who brought them leaves.

  2. Guest fees will be $4.00 per person per day for use of the Pool (holidays included) when the lifeguard is on duty.  The fee for a guest family is $15.00.

  3. All guests must sign into the log and fees must be paid upon arrival.

  4. Fees are waived for out of town guests.

  5. Residents of Martindale Estates and current membership holders who are not active members may not be brought as guests.

  6. Discounted books of Guest Passes are available. 10 tickets for $30.00.  If you would like to purchase passes, please email:

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